Quality Media & Communication Services 


Have Questions?

Frequently Asked

Do you edit and publish books?

Yes, we do.

What is the timeline for delivering edited theses, dissertations, and academic journals/articles?

It is client-specific. We work according to the submission deadline provided by the client.

What editing styles do you use?

We keep to the style prescribed by universities/academic institutions and faculties. Generally, we use the Harvard, Chicago, APA and MLA styles, depending on the client’s area of specialisation.

Do you edit references/bibliographies as part of your deliverables?

Some clients specify. An extra fee may be charged if we are required to reconcile the in-text citations with the reference list entries and validate them.

Do you issue an editor’s certificate?

We do it on request.  

What are your standard editing/proofreading fees?

It depends on what the client requires. Substantive editing (involving structural changes for enhanced readability) costs a bit more than plain language editing or straight proofreading. All editing is based on the word count (total number of words) of the document.

Is formatting part of your editing task?

Yes, if requested and at an extra fee. However, we do make suggestions on appropriate formatting to align with the style guide provided.

What other materials do you edit?

See Our Services for details.

Do you publish e-copies of books on Amazon for online sale/purchase?

We do. We also publish paperback book versions that are printed on order and delivered to buyers anywhere in the world by Amazon.

What do you charge for book publishing?

It depends on the type of book. This ranges from hard copies to e-copies and paperbacks. A lot also depends on whether the books are plain story (fiction/non-fiction) books without images or academic/other books with images and infographics. Details of this can always be worked out with the client.

What do you mean by Ghostwriting and what is involved in it?

Ghostwriting means writing a material, usually a book, for someone else who is named as the author. It involves helping the designated author design a suitable plot, depending on the storyline provided, researching the subject/topic, creating suitable characters that interpret the designated author’s thoughts, doing multiple revisions with them, and editing the final product for publishing.

How much do you charge for ghostwriting?

It depends on the nature and volume of the book.

Is speech writing a form of ghostwriting? How does that work?

Speech writing is a form of ghostwriting. The ‘speaker’ provides the topic and the occasion, and the writer researches the topic to ensure that it is appropriate for the occasion and the prospective audience, prepares a draft for the approval of the ‘speaker’, and proofreads the final product before delivery. We also assist with rehearsals to correct mispronunciations and ensure that the speech is delivered to the audience with positive impact and feedback.

What is Rapporteuring?

Rapporteuring, in our service context, is recording the proceedings of a meeting/conference/summit/webinar or similar events and providing a report that captures the relevant contributions/interventions, with an executive summary/synopsis of the outcomes for the organiser(s) to use as reference material or a working paper. This may be presented in a mini-book format.

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